I think it is official. I am not insane. However, I often have some tendancies which many would view as lacking a certain cognition which I have become infamous for in certain quarters. I have finished my novel. For the time being it will be called: The Oboe Player Must Die! (yes the exclamation mark is part of the title, and no, this part in brackets isn't) Feel free to suggest any stupid and inane names for the novel which you might have thought up. You can be certain that I will feel free to totally disregard them.
Sometime in one of the potentially infinate number of futures that some quantum physicists would lead us to believe exists, I may desire to upload this epic story which is completely lacking in Ninja's or Zombies, or even Zeppelins, some would even say it is lacking in discernable plot. Such people would be in good company, as that has been my opinion for a while now, but for now, I have decided to sleep on it. Here is the cover I worked on for an afternoon whilst procrastinating.
By the way, NaNoWriMo is not, as is commonly believed by some uncommon people, an exercise for the under twelve demographic, although that's not excluding them from expressing themselves in the peculiar medium of the novella. Oh, and if you think this story will make a good bedtime tale of adventure to read to little Johny, think again. I hope the cover will scare off enough of the people who might be offended by it's somewhat textually explicit content (I can't very well say graphic now can I? it's not a picture book for Gandhi's sake.)
Shout out to none other than Wikipedia (no I won't provide a link. Google it.) the good folks at dictionary.com, and my main man Franz Ferdinand. Without your untimely assassination, my novel would have.... actually been better. Huh. Thanks a lot.