"Vox clamantis in deserto" was a quote that I found when looking how to spell Veni, Vidi, Vici. I thought it might be appropriate. and having been once again inspired, I set forth to document this odd occasion. It’s been so long, I'm not sure if this will be comprehensible, but there it is. Work tomorrow, so I'll have to wrap up the tweaking of this textus incredulous.

The Show.

In the darkness of that hexangular room, that central hub of comings and goings of the general populace, the light flickered on the vanilla white walls, providing a fitting accompaniment to the canned noise that protruding menacingly from the stereo speakers that were incorporated - nay - immersed in the television set - which was taking pride of place in that living room, it's
Cathode Ray Tube humming a high pitched Pwiiiiiinnnnn... hovering around 20 kHz - the sort of noise that things make if they are imbued with up to 32,000 volts. There in the rimu cabinet, wholly dedicated for it's joint use with the DVD player, VCR, and 5.1 surround sound system a tragedy of epic proportions was played out in Technicolor.

It was then that John noticed it. It was subtle at first as these things often are, and most of the time no one cares even if they do notice. It took him a few seconds of perplexification, before he made up his mind to act, but nevertheless, it was a step in the right direction. One mighty deed for a man of an otherwise procrastinational nature. Veni, Vidi Vici.

I came, the TV was on, it was Desperate Housewives, I saw that it was not really good enough to justify being the #1 rating show in NZ or whatever it is, I conquered the barely felt need to join apparent throngs of my fellow humanity and bask in the dubious glory that is capitulation to the Status Quo. Or more candidly, I failed to conquer the felt need to get away, to flee the wrath that is "the Tyranny of the Urgent" and conceded defeat to the unimagined felt need to check email, write a meaningless blog, and to ponder the
secrets of the universe. Ubi maior, minor cessat

Vox clamantis in deserto.


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, not quite comprehensible after first read, or perhaps the incoherance is in fact coming from my side of the computer screen, a place where the true meanings are sometimes hidden.
Glad to see you've rejoined the blogging community...keep it up!

John Sinclair said...

Don't look too deeply for any hidden messages. That latin is quite cool though. I might need to add some more background info into these things. It would make casual viewing easier......

Anonymous said...

Yes, may be a good idea...googled a few of the words and got the meanings, very good. I like the links you've added into your actual writing, how do you do that?? Have had a look at my blog but can't see a way...anyway keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Yes, may be a good idea...googled a few of the words and got the meanings, very good. I like the links you've added into your actual writing, how do you do that?? Have had a look at my blog but can't see a way...anyway keep it up!

Anonymous said...

I think that the little blurb at the front of blog entry telling what its about works really well. :o)

John Sinclair said...

There is a button on the toolbar which looks like an 8 on it's side sitting on top of a globe. then paste the URL in the box that appears. BTW, what's the address of your blog?

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm well for the fear of inferiority I will stay anonymous for now :P
Lol thanks for the tip tho!

Andy said...

John, man, cut out the technical stuff. You can't resist sharing with us the inner workings of a TV... Good stuff man - and yeah, good to see you've sorted out your priorities and are blogging again man.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha well I think the technical stuff gives it extra character lol.

Andy said...

hyperlinks? let them remain a mystery...