The Golden Egg, and other anomalies

There are some real sad people on the internet. I feel so sorry for them. No, I really do. They have some idea that what everyone believes isn't the truth, and then they go and start to fight against the reptiles. It might be some sort of joke, but from the little I saw of it, it looks like someone put a lot of time into it and really believes it. I was looking for a plausible name for my mythical Inca city, then came across this rubbish (it would be hilarious if no one believed it). maybe I shouldn't link to this kind of thing, and I'm sure that since I have said this about it, it will get more clicks than it deserves.

Today Paula had a birthday party of sorts. We had an Easter egg hunt. Some of the eggs were wrapped in golden foil.

The Golden Egg

The scorching heat of the sun at this time of the day was unbearable, like an ambivalent foreman overlooking the factory floor of the world, the sun dictated work here just as it does the rest of the world. From about 10:30 till four in the afternoon each day, the excavation team halted their toil and returned to the cluster of caravans and tents, seemingly tossed in a rather haphazard manner among the boulders like some of us play petanque. As the archaeologists returned with the mornings find. A buzz of excitement swept through the temporal village. "They've found them!" someone half whispered, half choked as they ran toward the main tent. The grimy, exuberant archaeologist who had made the discovery was there, with a grin that would make a certain cat from Cheshire envious, her grimy hand shaking other hands in varying states of grime. The "discovery of the decade" as people were already calling it was located in pride of place in the centre of the tent. The legendary "oeuf d'or metallique" was a legend no more. The near mythical "Huevo de oro meta¡lico" was discovered deep in a convoluted passage way deep beneath the ruins of the once tropical city of Tlexcxutnal, the last stash of the legendary Inca gold. From out of nowhere, someone conjured a bottle of champagne, and the three cheers echoed off the sheer cliff walls of the area.

1 comment:

Andy said...

some very sad people.