I wanted to use the word "Crepuscular" meaning twilightishness, but it didn't really fit. Maybe another time.

Driving back into Rolleston yesterday evening, we came across a storm that was happening. I didn't manage to hear any lightning though.... it was strangely odd....

The Tempest

Intermittent flashes of light illuminated the gathering clouds. Towering masses of vapor leaned precariously, bent by gale force winds, tortured into vast temporal edifices that spoke of the imminent storm rapidly conglomerating.

“Extensive...” Nathan said, turning his head absent mindedly to look at the meteorological display, making its presence felt over the whole district.

Something was missing. The clouds were immense, the lightning prolific, the wind had just kicked in with a vengeance, buffeting the trees, causing them to buckle and creak, making life interesting for the magpie family nesting in the unstable far reaches of the lofty eucalypts growing along the roadside. But something was not there.

Silence. Apart from the wind, the tempest was silent. Flashes of lightning came and went, unaccompanied by the usual deep boom of the thunder. It started to drizzle, making the insects that had collided with the windscreen smear on contact with the windscreen wiper. Flash. The billowing mists overhead were suddenly illuminated by another heavy duty static charge. To the southwest grey upon grey upon the blackness of the night sky. The blackness returning to its former transcendence. To the east, the lights of Christchurch igniting the low ceiling of orange tinted clouds, a rusty smear on the horizon.

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